New Year’s Resolution: Physically Separated Bike Lanes in ’07

The Case for Physically Separated Bike Lanes
A Streetfilm by Clarence Eckerson
Running Time: 8 minutes 30 seconds

Happy New Year! As part of its commitment to create 200 miles of new bike lanes in the next three years, New York City’s Department of Transportation plans to build out 70 miles of new bike lanes in 2007. The devil, as always, is in the details.

In this outstanding Streetfilm New York City cyclists, planning and policy experts and even the former Mayor of Bogota, Colombia make the case that the designers of New York City’s bicycling infrastructure need to do more than just paint lines on asphalt. Like all of the world’s best bike commuting cities, they argue that New York needs to design and build more and better physically-separated bike lanes.

If you are looking for an important livable streets issue to work on in 2007, this short video is worth watching.



The Case of the Disappearing Sharrows

  Less than three months after they appeared on Seventh Avenue in Times Square, some of New York City’s first sharrows are well on their way to disappearing. And so you have to wonder: Can the city’s commitment to 200 miles of new bike lanes in three years be meaningful if this is their condition […]

Protected Bike Lanes Win TreeHugger Stamp of Approval

This classic StreetFilm by Clarence Eckerson, Jr., "The Case for Separated Bike Lanes" (original release date: February 17, 2007), is enjoying a renaissance this week. First, a post on TaketheTooker featured the film and sparked a discussion about the merits of bike lanes compared to riding in traffic. Then TreeHugger picked up the thread and […]

Eyes on the Street: Tillary Street Bike Lane Parking Lot

Ian Dutton, organizer of the Houston Street bike safety initiative, made this brief StreetFilm while riding in the physically-separated bike lane on Tillary Street approaching the Brooklyn Bridge. On his YouTube page, Dutton writes, "I was on my way from SoHo to Park Slope when I saw a most remarkable assemblage of press vehicles in […]

StreetFilm: How to Use a Bike Box

The New York Times doesn’t seem to have noticed, but DOT has been quietly rolling out dozens of bike boxes all over the city. As many cyclists don’t seem to know exactly what bike boxes are or how to use them yet, StreetFilms thought the time was right for this instructional video. Related: How About […]