Wednesday’s Headlines: You Had One Job Edition

Photo:  Momos/Wikimedia Commons
Photo: Momos/Wikimedia Commons

Is it really that hard to count votes in this day and age? Apparently, it is, as the Board of Elections showed on Tuesday (NYDN, NY Post, NY Times, Gothamist)

After releasing the unofficial round-by-round tally — which showed Eric Adams beating Kathryn Garcia by about 15,000 votes with something like 125,000 absentee ballots left to count — the agency announced that there was an unspecified “discrepancy,” and then deleted the tabulations from its website before calling it a night.

So on Wednesday, the weather won’t be the only thing that’s hot.

In other news:

  • Like Streetsblog, other outlets covered the postal service truck driver who killed a 71-year-old cyclist on the Upper West Side. The Daily News cruelly offered sympathy for the driver. The Post played it straight.
  • In a related story, a reckless driver ran a red light and killed a woman in another car in East New York. (NYDN, NY Post)
  • You gotta hand it to Revel — the company was blocked by the Taxi and Limousine Commission from deploying its all-electric taxi fleet, but somehow got U.$. $ecretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm to cut a ribbon, and offer her support, at the company’s electric fueling station in Bushwick on Tuesday. You can’t buy that kind of publicity (or perhaps you can).
  • Honor COVID heroes? Sure! But why destroy a park to do it? (NY Post) Maybe Gov. Cuomo will take us up on our April Fool’s story this year and put the COVID memorial on 34th Avenue in Jackson Heights — an idea that’s looking less and less like a joke and more and more like genius.
  • Council Member Farah Louis is expected to “fully” recover from her car crash, as if that kind of thing actually happens. (Brooklyn Paper)
  • NJ Transit will receive about $5 million to buy electric buses from a federal low-emission grant program, Larry Penner reports. (Hudson Reporter)
  • We’re not sure we agree with Nicole Gelinas’s take on crime, but we present it for your review. (American Mind)