Friday’s Headlines: Polly Backs Biden Edition

DOT Commissioner Polly Trottenberg and her now former boss. Photo: Rob Bennett for the Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio
DOT Commissioner Polly Trottenberg and her now former boss. Photo: Rob Bennett for the Office of Mayor Bill de Blasio

It was an incredibly slow news day (for the mainstream media, that is), so let’s look forward.

On Oct. 7, Department of Transportation Commissioner Polly Trottenberg — who didn’t have the opportunity to back her boss’s presidential bid, alas — will bolster the campaign of Joe Biden by headlining the ultimate $500-a-plate Zoom call, “Climate Change & the Future of Urban Transportation,” hosted by the League of Conservation Voters and featuring Trottenberg’s San Francisco counterpart Jeffrey Tumlin.

The pitch? “How are two of the country’s largest and most innovative cities — New York and San Francisco — rising to meet their current challenges while leveraging innovation and policy to improve safety, performance, and reduce carbon emissions?”

Sounds like fun. We can’t wait hearing about all of New York’s supposed innovations and safety policies!

In other news:

The view below the Kosciuszko Bridge bike path shows what we call car crop circles, the telltale sign of drag racing. Photo: Gersh Kuntzman
The view below the Kosciuszko Bridge bike path shows what we call car crop circles, the telltale sign of drag racing. Photo: Gersh Kuntzman

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