Friday’s Headlines: An L of a Mess Edition

Good morning! The L train repairs won’t start for a few more weeks, but the MTA is going to suspend weeknight service from April 15-26, amNY reported. Not so good morning.

Here’s the rest of the news from a slow day yesterday:

  • Congestion pricing is going to really hurt the parking industry, according to the Wall Street Journal — which illustrated its story with a picture of an ugly parking garage taking up valuable space.
  • It was nice to see the reborn Brooklyn Eagle taking street safety seriously. Following up on years of Streetsblog coverage, the Ned Berke-edited website reported on Council Member Antonio Reynoso’s ongoing effort to get the city to stop deferring bike lane and other livable streets decisions to community boards.
  • City Lab took a good angle on the recent vote in Cambridge, Mass. to require protected bike lanes whenever a street is redesigned: Mandated safety designs insulate city officials from the constant hue and cry of car owners. It would work in New York, too (though getting rid of community board would be a start!).
  • And, finally, we have no idea what this is, but Streetfilms auteur Clarence Eckerson Jr. has done it again!