Tuesday’s Headlines: Hizzoner Talks Vision Zero Edition

The mayor will be in Bay Ridge at noon today to announce the 2019 Borough Pedestrian Safety Plans.

This is exciting. Check back later today to get the full details. And if you want to brush up on the topic, here are the 2015 versions.

For now, here’s the news:

  • The Riders Alliance will accompany pro-congestion pricing lawmakers to subway stations this week. First up, State Senator Mike “Bezos Buster” Gianaris this morning at 9:30 at Queensboro Plaza. (NYDN)
  • The Times’s Winnie Hu takes the pulse of congestion pricing with an explainer on how we got here and how hard it will be to convince the David Weprins of the world.
  • Cab drivers are upset at Council Speaker Corey Johnson because he dissolved the taxi committee in the City Council because it was being run — and run poorly — by an unrepentant homophobe. (NY Post) Unrepentent? Yes. (NY Times)
  • Car carnage in Queens. (NYDN)
  • Gothamist followed last week’s Streetsblog’s scoop about City Council placard abuse legislation with some more details about the extent of placard corruption.
  • We don’t like cars, so we don’t care too much about auto insurance costs — except that they’re probably too low, given the social costs associated with the automobile. Car drivers may disagree. (amNY)
  • You don’t hear much about the Bronx’s D- and B-pocalypse over the next few weekends. But self-effacing exemplar Vin Barone has the scoop. (amNY)
  • The Daily News editorial board weighed in on the broken Amazon deal…under what may be the longest, least-comprehensible headline in modern tabloid history. So much for “Ford to City: Drop Dead.” Meanwhile, the collapse of the corporate welfare deal for Amazon may end up destroying the state Democratic majority — IDC fashion. (WSJ)
  • And, finally, Streetsblog contributor Laura Shepard posted an epic Twitter thread after being doored in the East Village.