Wednesday’s Headlines: Back to Normal Edition

And we’re back! Andrew Cuomo’s third term as governor officially began, so we at Streetsblog decided we’d return to our job, too (though, truth be told, we kinda worked all weekend). Let’s start today’s headlines with a few ICYMIs:

Now, the current (albeit thin) news:

  • There’s a new East Coast-West Coast beef: urban transportation. And the West Coast is owning us right now. (NY Times)
  • The final numbers are in: “Only” 200 people died on New York City roads this year, down from 222 last year — but the 114 pedestrians who died were seven more than last year. Um, are we supposed to be happy with these numbers? (NY Times)
  • Nicole Gelinas opines in favor of Gov. Cuomo’s transit work group, which has presented him with many useful proposals for funding improvements. (NY Post)
  • The Associated Press offered an update on the delayed East Side Access project.