Wednesday’s Headlines: Yes, We’re Working Today Edition

SB Donation NYC header 2To be honest, almost no one is working today, but we did want to give you more Streetsie Award winners (see above), plus give you the day’s news (below).

Oh, and we also wanted to remind you that our December donation drive is coming to a close, so any help you can give would be greatly appreciated. You know how you tip your doorman or your super at the end of the year? It’s kinda like that — only we fight for safe streets and livable communities, not help you with packages or send up the heat.

Now the news:

  • In case you missed it, our friends at TransitCenter followed our lead and did their own transportation-themed Christmas carols.
  • The MTA lost track of a bus for eight hours on Sunday. (NY Post)
  • Meet a guy who tweets subway information faster than the MTA! (NYDN)
  • Now the state wants a judge to delay a hearing on the taxi congestion fee, which remains suspended pending a court ruling. (NY Post)
  • Streetsblog has been vocal in its support of New York’s hard-working delivery workers. But no one should bike drunk, as this guy allegedly did. (NY Post)
  • And, finally, in some personal news. (Gothamist)