Tuesday’s Headlines: Victory Over Rogue Cabbies Edition
Did you see what Streetsblog did yesterday? Hours after we posted a story about a bill by two Bronx council members that would reduce street safety, the legislation was withdrawn.
That’s exactly the kind of work that reminds us to ask for your support — so we can continue doing, um, exactly that kind of work! This month, every story will feature the icon above. Just click on it to make a tax-deductible donation to the non-profit that oversees Streetsblog — and we’ll keep exposing the pols who want to set us back 20 years.
And here’s the news:
- Wait a second — it looks like not even the MTA board trusts the MTA. The Daily News reported that the board’s finance committee didn’t recommend that the full board pass the MTA budget on Wednesday “because it contains proposed fare and toll increases that are far from certain.” The Wall Street Journal also covered the confusion.
- Andy Byford has raised the speed limit for subways! Finally, some muscle cars we can get behind. (NY Times, WSJ)
- The Times ran a long story about an East New York megachurch’s unlikely bid to build thousands of units of housing as part of an “urban village.” The takeaway for us? The Euro-styled community appears in renderings with “curb-less streets” and no on-street car storage. Somehow we don’t believe that a massive parking lot that serves the church’s 43,000 car-owning members is suddenly going to be transformed to transit-oriented development (but we can dream, right?!).
- Now this is just silly. Gov. Andrew StatusCuomo, who never rides the subway, now says he’ll personally review the L-train shutdown mitigation plan that the MTA and city DOT have been working on for nearly three years. OK, so tell us, Governor, what would you do with Kenmare Street? Two-way or one-way? And what do you think the modal split will be from the L train to the G train? We’re thinking about 28 percent. Sound too high to you? (WSJ, NY Post, amNY)
- Meanwhile, Streetsblog’s David Meyer took Cuomo down with one tweet (also embedded below the news).
- The Times still hasn’t covered Citi Bike’s five-year, 28,000-bike, 35-square-mile expansion, but it did find time to go to Detroit to cover bike mobility issues in the Motor City. (NYT)
- The bane of Dyckman Street — La Marina — is finally in trouble (not for all the rampant double-parking, mind you, but for corruption). We’ll take it. (NY Post)
- And finally, so long, Cone Ranger: One of the ubiquitous men who put out orange cones hours before the celebs show up at film shoots was run over and killed. (NY Post)
Embarrassingly late. The shutdown was announced 23 months ago, in January 2016. The @MTA decided to do a 15-month shutdown later that year. Cuomo has been governor that entire time. https://t.co/PwzOUH7OEh
— David J. Meyer (@dahvnyc) December 10, 2018