Thursday’s Headlines: Cold Turkey Edition

It’s a cold day out there and the Streetsblog team is off. But here are a few headlines to get you going:

  • State Senator José Peralta of Queens, who lost his re-election bid to Jessica Ramos, died unexpectedly during unspecified treatment at Elmhurst Hospital. He was 47. (Times Ledger)
  • Coverage of the Brooklyn Bridge crash yesterday — which killed one driver —dominated the papers. (NY TimesNYDN)
  • Gothamist revealed that J train service will be cut on weekends, just as the L-train weekend service is being restored. Check the story for the full schedule. “This is annoying and I am annoyed,” reporter Claire Lampen wrote.
  • In case you missed it, our friends at TransitCenter laid out the kind of leadership the state and city will need to fix the subway and bus system.
  • Meet the man who has walked every street in New York City. (Gothamist)