Wednesday’s Headlines: We’re Crashing from the Amazon Sweetheart Deal Edition

The sugary deal between Amazon and the city and state dominated Tuesday’s coverage, with most wags (including Streetsblog) casting a dubious eye on how much money Gov. Cuomo is spending to lure 25,000 jobs to Long Island City. We defy you to find a better curated list of coverage of the Amazon-sized Amazon announcement. Here’s our rundown:

In other news:

  • Reinvent Albany hammered the MTA on delays on signal improvements.
  • Every cyclist in town rightly lost his shit over this flameout by the NYPD’s Sixth Precinct, which gleefully tweeted a picture of one of its officers blocking a bike lane to give a cyclist a ticket — the same precinct, Doug Gordon pointed out, that has written all of six parking-in-a-bike-lane tickets this year.
  • Friend of Streetsblog Ed Janoff, an urban planner and former DOT official, penned an op-ed on how much he hates Penn Station. (NYDN)
  • The Daily News had a third day of coverage of a Queens hit-and-run victim, further evidence that some victims get more coverage than others.
  • The MTA is buying Grand Central Terminal (no, it didn’t own it, silly). (NYDN)
  • Oh, and it’s supposed to snow on Thursday. (NY Post, amNY)