Today’s Headlines

  • Cuomo’s MTA Neglect Is Victimizing Low-Income New Yorkers (NYT); See: This Morning (AMNY)
  • How Joe Lhota Subverted Ethics Rules to Maintain His Many Revenue Streams (Politico)
  • Eric Adams and Brooklynites to Albany: Do Your Job and Protect Speed Cams (WNYC)
  • City Sued for Failing to Accommodate Visually Impaired Pedestrians (NYT)
  • Queens Machine Declared Dead (Politico; News; Post 1, 2)
  • Maybe Joe Crowley (NYT) Should Have Done More of This (QTrib) Instead of This
  • Schwartz: Two-Way Toll Would Help VNB Traffic, But Congestion Pricing Would Be Better (News)
  • Long Islanders Organize Against Cuomo’s LI Sound Tunnel (Newsday)
  • DeFrancisco Says His Syracuse Tunnel Plan Will Live On, Like a Zombie, When He Retires (
  • Bushwick Demands Justice for Luz Gonzalez (News)
  • Drunk Driver Who Killed Cyclist Nancy Pease Gets Five to 15 Years (News)

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