Today’s Headlines

  • Cops Who Hate Unbiased Speed Enforcement Cuff Reckless Driving Victims (News, Post@vinbarone)
  • Governor Mealymouth: I’d Like to Help, But … (AMNY); News Rips Felder; More: Post
  • Senate Republicans to Speed Camera Supporters: Your Fault (Politico)
  • Crumbling Subway Ceiling an Apt Metaphor for Albany 2018 (News)
  • MTA Mum as Borough Hall Straphangers Fear for Safety (BK Paper); Gothamist Talks With Victim
  • Equipment Failures Caused Delays on 10 Subway Lines Yesterday (Post)
  • MTA Board Member Charles Moerdler: I Should Be Able to Block Buses With My Mercedes (Gothamist)
  • RPA Says the MTA Could Make Subway Stations Less Hellish in Summer (NY1)
  • Advance Has the Skinny on New Staten Island Express Bus Routes (1, 2)
  • 4 Hospitalized After Chain Reaction Crash Caused by U-Turning Driver; NYPD: Legal! (Bx Times)
  • Raging Ex-Cops You Share the Streets With (Post)

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