Today’s Headlines

  • Cuomo Pursues Legacy of Saddling NYers With Boondoggles While Letting the Subway Rot (Politico)
  • Initial MetroCard Replacement Rollout Won’t Have All-Door Bus Boarding (AMNY); More: Gothamist
  • Judge Calls Out de Blasio’s Big Oil Posturing (Post)
  • Family of Shaena Sinclair to City: “Do Something” (News)
  • Dorothy Bruns’s Attorney Wants Bail Reduced, Blames Her Doctor for Crash (Post, News)
  • Why Does an FDNY Pension Boss Have a City-Funded Car in the First Place? (News)
  • Uber Lands Nearly 20 Minutes of Airtime With Errol Louis (NY1)
  • Seems Like the TLC Isn’t Helpless to Revoke Licenses After All (News)
  • Pedestrians With a Language Barrier Get Bloodied, While Motorists Get NYPD Empathy (Post)
  • … And Straphangers Get Whatever This Was (Gothamist)