Take a Look at Lower Manhattan’s Newest Bikeway, Coming to Life on Park Row

The street has been mostly off-limits to the public since 9/11.

The new Park Row protected bike lane, facing east from Frankfort Street. Photo: Wiley Norvell/Twitter
The new Park Row protected bike lane, facing east from Frankfort Street. Photo: Wiley Norvell/Twitter

The new bikeway and sidewalk expansion on Park Row is coming to life.

Park Row has been mostly closed to pedestrians and cyclists, as well as motor vehicles, since after 9/11. In April, DOT began installing a two-way protected bike lane and 10,000 square feet of painted sidewalk between Worth Street and Frankfort Street.

The path will connect City Hall to Chinatown, and pass a staircase, soon to be reopened, to the Brooklyn Bridge promenade [PDF].

Some finish work remains to be done, but the bulk of the new bike lane is open for riding, City Hall spokesperson Wiley Norvell said on Twitter.

When complete, some tour bus companies may be allowed to use the street, but otherwise private motor vehicles will be prohibited.

Noel Hidalgo has been tracking construction of the bike lane on Twitter. This morning, he previewed the ride east from under the bridge, just east of Frankfort Street. Watch:

We’ll have more updates on this project as it comes together. Feel free to send your own pics to tips@streetsblog.org.


CB 3 Committee Asks DOT for Protected Bikeway on Chrystie Street

The community board covering the Lower East Side and Chinatown is set to ask DOT to transform the Chrystie Street bike lane from barely visible stripes blocked by double-parked cars into a two-way protected bikeway along Sara D. Roosevelt Park, connecting the Manhattan Bridge with the Second Avenue protected bike lane. The transportation committee of […]