Today’s Headlines

  • De Blasio’s War on Delivery Workers Still Playing Havoc With People’s Lives (Gothamist[!], WNYC)
  • No One Knows How Much East Side Access Will Cost or When It Will Be Done (PoliticoNYT)
  • De Blasio and Johnson Want an Accounting of Subway Rescue Plan Spending (News, AMNY)
  • Kabak: Better Bus Service Will Require Adding Lanes and Keeping Them Clear (GG)
  • Hundreds of Thousands of NY Commuters Spend 3 or More Hours a Day on Trains and Buses (Post)
  • Johnson: RPPs Should Not Incentivize Car Ownership (NY1); Ydanis Plan Hinges on CB Input (AMNY)
  • Diaz Sr. Bill Would Impose Work Restrictions and Fees on Uber and Lyft Drivers (AMNY, News)
  • City Launches Free Shuttle Service for Rikers Visitors (NY1News)
  • What Happens When Your City Gives Away Valuable Curb Space for Free (Post)
  • The Campaign Against Anything Good Is About to Lose a Key Asset (Post)

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