Today’s Headlines

  • Read Joe Lhota’s Lips: Congestion Pricing Won’t Pass This Year. Or Maybe It Will. Who Knows? (Politico)
  • Instead of Raising Fares, MTA Board Would Like Revenue From Congestion Pricing (AMNY, News)
  • NYC’s Business-Labor-Enviro Coalition Making One Last Push for Pricing in Albany (News)
  • Daily News: Cuomo Needs to Twist Arms for Congestion Pricing, Carl Heastie Needs to Speak Up
  • Federal Spending Deal May Fund ~5% of Gateway Tunnel Estimate (Politico, WNYC)
  • Gateway Tunnel Costs 4-5 Times as Much as It Should (CityLab)
  • Post: Cuomo Value Capture Plan a “Thuggish Assault on Home Rule” in NYC
  • MTA Replaces Wooden Safety Rail With Fiberglass, Too Late for St. Clair Richards Stephens (PostAMNY)
  • Cab Driver and Medallion Owner Nicanor Ochisor Hangs Himself, Citing Financial Ruin (Post)
  • People You Share the Streets With (News)

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