Today’s Headlines

  • Cuomo Still Won’t Take Responsibility for the Transit System He Runs … (News 1, 2)
  • … As Riding His Subway Becomes a Life-or-Death Proposition (Post, News, AMNY, RagNY1)
  • MTA Contractor That Gives Gov Big Bucks Has Record of Ripping Off the Public (News)
  • The Times Gives Shoddy Bus Service the Long-Form Treatment
  • Staten Island Express Bus Overhaul Takes Effect in August; Byford: It’s a Model for NYC (Advance)
  • MTA Isn’t Keeping Up With Repairs on the Relatively Few Subway Elevators It Has (AMNY)
  • More Coverage of the Schaller Cab Congestion Report: NYT, WNYC
  • Weather, Decrepitude Played Havoc With Bridge and Tunnel Commutes Yesterday (NYT; Post 1, 2)
  • De Blasio Pledges Action to Stop the Next Dorothy Bruns (News, Post)
  • Daily News Calls for License Sanctions for Repeat Traffic Camera Violations
  • Carting Worker Rams Truck Into Columbus Circle Building and Subway Entrance, Flees (PostPIX)

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