Today’s Headlines

  • Cuomo Counsel: State May Not Need City’s Permission to Implement Congestion Pricing (Politico)
  • Governor’s Camp Says Congestion Pricing Negotiations Still Ongoing in Albany (Crain’sNews)
  • Only the Latest Model of American Landboat Will Do for Assembly Honchos Heastie and Kolb (News)
  • Bhairavi Desai: It’s Time to Cap the Number of For-Hire Vehicles in NYC (News)
  • Felix Salmon Believes a Variable Uber Tax Is All That’s Needed to Cure NYC Congestion (Wired)
  • ConEd Will Pay $202 Million to Fix Up Subway Power Equipment (Bloomberg)
  • 14th Street Busway NIMBY Fancies Himself Fighting the Lower Manhattan Expressway (Villager)
  • Class Action Suit Claims “Glitchy” MTA Cashless Tolls Wrongly Fining Drivers (Post)
  • QChron Worried That NYC Drivers Are Too Simple to Grasp Bus Lane Rules
  • City Islanders Press MTA for Better Bus Service (BxTimes)
  • One More Reason to Get Cops Out of Cars (Post)

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