
This Week: Speak Up for a Safer Dyckman Street

Upper Manhattan advocates have been asking DOT for a protected bike lane on Dyckman Street for nearly a decade. But when the agency finally came up with a plan to improve safety on Dyckman earlier this year, the Community Board 12 transportation committee declined to vote on it and insisted that DOT hold more meetings regarding the proposal. Now, nearly six months later, DOT returns to the transportation committee tonight to review the project. If you want a safer crosstown bike connection for Inwood, it’s an important opportunity to tell CB 12 the project should move forward.

Check the Streetsblog calendar for the full list of this week’s events.

Watch the calendar for updates. Drop us a line if you have an event we should know about.


After 8 Years, DOT Finally Has a Bike Plan for Dyckman St. CB 12: Not So Fast.

Eight years after uptown advocates first called for a bike connection across Inwood, linking greenways along the Hudson River and the Harlem River, DOT has a bike lane plan for Dyckman Street. Between Broadway and Nagle Avenue, the redesign would convert the current four-lane design into DOT’s standard road diet template — a general traffic lane and a five-foot-wide un-protected bike lane in […]

At Long Last, DOT Proposes Bike Lanes for Upper Manhattan

Responding to years of citizen advocacy and a resolution from Manhattan Community Board 12, DOT has proposed bike lanes for a number of streets in Upper Manhattan. Most of the lanes, concentrated in Washington Heights [PDF], would be installed next year, after a consultation with CB 12 this fall. One would be protected by parked […]