Driver Who Killed Cyclist on City Island Bridge Pleads Guilty to Homicide

Gabriela Aguilar-Vallinos
Gabriela Aguilar-Vallinos

A motorist who fatally struck a woman riding a bike on the City Island Bridge pled guilty to felony leaving the scene and homicide.

Gabriela Aguilar-Vallinos was on her way home from work at around 11:45 p.m. on September 11, 2015, when Michael Moreno hit her with a Hyundai sedan, then left the scene.

Aguilar-Vallinos sustained head trauma and died at Jacobi Hospital. She was 27.

Former Bronx DA Robert Johnson charged Moreno with second-degree manslaughter, criminally negligent homicide, and felony leaving the scene. The case was disposed by Johnson’s successor Darcel Clark.

The top charge against Moreno — manslaughter — is a class C felony punishable by up to 15 years in prison. Last week Moreno pled guilty to leaving the scene and homicide, class D and E felonies, respectively.

A more severe charge than homicide under state law, class D leaving the scene carries penalties ranging from probation to seven years in prison.

Moreno is scheduled to be sentenced later this month.


DOT: 1,336 Pedestrians and Cyclists Injured, 7 Killed in September

Fifteen people died in New York City traffic in September, and 4,612 were injured, according to DOT’s Vision Zero View crash data map. As of the end of September, DOT reported 95 pedestrians and cyclists killed by city motorists this year, and 10,498 injured, compared to 114 deaths and 10,863 injuries for the same period in 2014. Citywide, at […]

In Memoriam

As of this writing New York City is on track to break the record for the lowest number of pedestrians killed by motorists in a year. The current low mark of 132 139 deaths was set in 2014, the first year of Mayor de Blasio’s Vision Zero initiative. Assuming the official numbers bear it out, the de Blasio […]