The 9th Most Influential Streetfilm of All-Time

With the 10-year benefit for Streetsblog and Streetfilms coming up on November 14 (get your tickets here!), we are counting down the 12 most influential Streetfilms of all time, as determined by the impresario himself, Clarence Eckerson Jr.

Snowy Neckdowns (a.k.a. “Sneckdowns”)

Number of plays: 52,349

Publish date: February 5, 2011

Why is it here? This Streetfilm started the #sneckdown craze and inspired planners and transportation geeks to go out and document how we’ve overbuilt streets for the movement of cars. The sneckdown concept provides a simple, compelling visual that has made the case for real changes in many cities (especially Philadelphia).

Fun fact: At first this film didn’t get a ton of attention. By the end of 2013 it had only racked up about 4,000 plays. But in the winter of 2014 I decided it might be fun to cajole people on Twitter to send in photos of snowy traffic calming in their city. When we were deciding on a hashtag to use, Streetsblog founding editor Aaron Naparstek brilliantly suggested #sneckdown. It clicked, the hashtag stuck, and submissions rolled in from all over the world. The media frenzy peaked in 2014 but social media still lights up with #sneckdown photos whenever there’s a big winter storm in the United States.

The Streetfilms Countdown so far:

#12: Lakewood, Ohio: The Suburb Where Everyone Can Walk to School

#11: Mark Gorton Interviews Enrique Peñalosa

#10: Zurich: Where People Are Welcome and Cars Are Not



Sometimes #Sneckdown Dreams Come True!

Ah yes, that’s the now-famous “Snowy Neckdown Redux: Winter Traffic Calming” Streetfilm above. As you may recall, I shot the video in my Queens neighborhood of Jackson Heights a few years ago to demonstrate how we could extend our curbs further into the streets to slow drivers and shorten pedestrian crossing distances. Then the idea completely […]

The 10th Most Influential Streetfilm of All Time

With the 10-year benefit for Streetsblog and Streetfilms coming up on November 14 (get your tickets here!), we are counting down the 12 most influential Streetfilms of all time, as determined by the impresario himself, Clarence Eckerson Jr. If you’re just tuning in, catch up on #12 (Lakewood, Ohio: The Suburb Where Everyone Can Walk […]

The 5th Most Influential Streetfilm of All Time

With the 10-year benefit for Streetsblog and Streetfilms coming up on November 14 (get your tickets here!), we are counting down the 12 most influential Streetfilms of all time, as determined by Clarence Eckerson Jr. Bogotá BRT/Transmilenio Number of plays: 65,353 Publish date: January 28, 2008 Why is it here? Bus Rapid Transit was still an […]

The 6th Most Influential Streetfilm of All Time

With the 10-year benefit for Streetsblog and Streetfilms coming up on November 14 (get your tickets here!), we are counting down the 12 most influential Streetfilms of all time, as determined by Clarence Eckerson Jr. NYC Streets Metamorphosis Number of plays: 490,000 Publish date: January 1, 2014 Why is it here? Well, no Streetfilm has been […]

The 8th Most Influential Streetfilm of All Time

With the 10-year benefit for Streetsblog and Streetfilms coming up on November 14 (get your tickets here!), we are counting down the 12 most influential Streetfilms of all time, as determined by Clarence Eckerson Jr. Complete Streets: It’s About More than Bike Lanes Number of plays: 53,500 Publish date: May 9, 2011 Why is it […]