Today’s Headlines

  • Silver Gets 12 Years (NYT 1, 2; Politico); Albany Shrugs (WNYC); Cuomo: “Justice Was Served” (Politico)
  • Kabak: The MTA Doesn’t Have Many Options to Relieve Subway Crowding
  • New 19th Precinct CO, Endorsed by Ben Kallos, Says “Bikes Are a Big Problem” (Our Town)
  • Rodriguez, Rosenthal, Eugene to Intro Bill Requiring DOT Barnes Dance Study (News)
  • City Report Finds Private Trash Haulers in Dire Need of Oversight (News)
  • New York Restoration Project to Start Free Shuttle Service to Randall’s Island Connector (DNA)
  • Shore Boulevard Revamp Work Starting Soon (DNA); DNA Readers Back Clinton Ave. Bikeway
  • Hit-and-Run Driver Injures Woman in Brooklyn Crosswalk, Is Chased by Daily News Deliverymen
  • A Correction Officer Pulled a Gun on Another Motorist Over a Parking Spot (DNA)
  • On Jane Jacobs’ 100th Birthday, de Blasio Says Affordable Housing Plan Honors Her Ideals (News)
  • Again With the Gondolas (DNA)

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