Today’s Headlines

  • PA Board Votes to Finance New Midtown Bus Terminal Whatever the Cost (PoliticoNYT, Crain’s, WNYC)
  • “I Have the Right of Way Because I’m Law Enforcement” (NYT)
  • Who’ll Run Out of Money First, Chris Christie’s Transportation Agencies or Andrew Cuomo’s? (MTR)
  • Scott Stringer, Daily News, and the Post Feed the Speed Camera Resentment Beast
  • Build the Hunts Point Truck Ramps, But Don’t Forget to Tear Down the Sheridan (Crain’s)
  • Driver Hits Woman on Linden Blvd, Inflicting Head Trauma; No Charges (News, Post)
  • 2-House Bill in Albany to Make Drivers Ed Teach How to Avoid Hitting People Outside Cars (Bklyn Eagle)
  • On Average, There’s a Collision at Tillary and Flatbush Every Other Day (DNA)
  • Larry Littlefield Explains Why the F Express Isn’t Coming Back (Bklyn Paper)
  • This Queens Community Board 9 Meeting About a Bus Re-Routing Was Eerily Quiet (QChron)
  • We Are Living in a Parking-Obsessed World, and Madonna’s a Parking-Obsessed Girl (News)

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