This Week: Swedes Talk Vision Zero, Plus Ferries!

How does New York City’s version of Vision Zero compare to the original Swedish model? Two events on this week’s calendar will bring Swedes to the city to talk Vision Zero policy and design. Also this week, the de Blasio administration moves forward with a plan to add ferry service.

  • Today: Ferries serve fewer people at much greater cost than other forms of transit, and electeds can’t get enough of them. Mayor de Blasio and NYC EDC are embarking on a plan to expand ferry service citywide. This evening EDC will host a scoping session at Brooklyn Borough Hall. 6 p.m.
  • Tuesday: On the agenda for the Queens CB 5 transportation committee: street resurfacings, light rail, freight rail, and a review of traffic safety issues and public requests. 7:30 p.m.
  • Wednesday: International trade group Business Sweden will host a Vision Zero seminar, featuring local and Swedish political and business interests who will discuss the implementation of Vision Zero in NYC. 8:30 a.m. Registration required.
  • Thursday: More Vision Zero lessons from Sweden. Matts-Ake Belin, director of the Vision Zero Academy at Trafikverket, Sweden’s transportation agency, will explain how data-driven policy and design are making streets safer. 10 a.m. Registration required.
  • Saturday: Friends of Stryker Park is partnering with DOT for a “One Day Plaza” event on the west side of W. 97th Street near Columbus Avenue. There will be live music, games, and free coffee and snacks. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Keep an eye on the calendar for updated listings. Got an event we should know about? Drop us a line.


Bus Rapid Transit, Not Ferry Subsidies, Would Help Struggling New Yorkers

In today’s State of the City address, Mayor de Blasio returned to his signature campaign issues of affordability and equity. Focusing mainly on housing, the mayor outlined a plan for growth centered around transit-accessible neighborhoods, and he recommitted to building several new Bus Rapid Transit routes. But de Blasio missed the mark with his big new transit initiative […]

Bloomberg’s Resiliency Plan Calls for Permanent Bus, Ferry Expansion

Yesterday afternoon, Mayor Bloomberg unveiled a resiliency plan to better prepare New York for flooding due to climate change and severe storms. The report’s team, put together in the wake of Hurricane Sandy and led by Economic Development Corporation President Seth Pinsky, used the administration’s PlaNYC 2030 sustainability plan as the foundation for a sweeping […]
Toll reform creates a fairer transportation system. Ferry subsidies do not. Photo: Michael Appelton/Mayoral Photography Office

De Blasio Launches $325 Million Ferry Service While Poor New Yorkers Struggle to Afford MetroCards

Yesterday the mayor emphasized that the prices for single ferry rides and monthly passes are equivalent to those of single-ride and monthly MetroCards. But ferry riders hoping to connect to other points in the city will have to pay twice - for the boat ride, and again for the subway or bus. And most stops are in neighborhoods where the annual income is above the citywide average.