Today’s Headlines

  • Assembly Dems Call on Silver to Step Down (NYTPostCapNY)
  • Subways Ran During Cuomo’s Snow Shutdown, Just No Passengers (Bklyn Paper, 2nd Avenue Sagas)
  • Storm Dumped Less Snow Than Expected on NYC; Roads and Transit Come Back Online (WNBC)
  • Sheepshead Bay Safety Cam Catches Speeders and Council Member Deutsch Is Outraged (Bklyn Daily)
  • Daily News Wants to Throw the Book at Law-Skirting Uber
  • With Ped-Filled Plazas, the Times Frets That Times Square Might Be Too Crowded and Popular
  • Wonder What It Takes for Uber to Can a Driver? It’s Not Exactly Clear (Daily Beast)
  • City Planning Unveils East New York Rezoning Details; Growth Will Focus on Atlantic Avenue (YIMBY)
  • Apparently Bicycles Were Affected by Last Night’s Travel Ban, Too (Animal NY)
  • WSJ Serves Up a Slideshow of Old Snow Removal Photos on NYC Streets

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