Today’s Headlines

  • Speeding at 19 Schools Dropped 59% in 3 Months After Installation of Enforcement Cams (News)
  • More Coverage of Families For Safe Streets’ Appeal to DAs (Gothamist, WNYCNews)
  • NYPD Slowdown Over? Parking Enforcement Still Way Off Last Year’s Pace (NYT)
  • To Improve Safety, DOT Will Eliminate the Risk of Cars on Waverly Place Block (DNA)
  • Hit-and-Run Driver Who Killed Guler Ugur-Yaacobi Says He Was Passing Another Car on the Right (WSR)
  • Latest Defense Tactic for Reckless Driving: “It Wasn’t Me” (News, Post)
  • Judge Rules Federal Agent Not Responsible for Striking and Killing Aileen McKay-Dalton (Bklyn Paper)
  • David Greenfield: Uber “Is Quashing the American Dream” (CapNY)
  • NY1 Gets a Tour of 7 Train Signal and Track Work
  • Okay, But Will This Guy’s Tickets Hold Up at DMV? (Post, NY1)
  • Nicole Gelinas Remembers When Charlie Hebdo’s Cabu Stuck Up for Velib (City Journal)

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