This Week: Demanding Traffic Justice From DAs and the DMV
The first full week of 2015 is set to be a busy one. Tomorrow, Families For Safe Streets will demand justice from the state DMV before holding a vigil for Allison Liao.
That’s not all: DOT and MTA are scheduled to update Harlem community boards this week on the complete rollout of Select Bus Service on 125th Street, Council Member Brad Lander will host a street safety forum in the wake of a hit-and-run that killed a Kensington middle school student, and Families For Safe Streets will be at City Hall on Sunday to call attention to city district attorneys’ failure to hold reckless drivers accountable for causing death and injury.
As always, check the calendar for the full slate of events. Here are the highlights:
- Tuesday: At 9 a.m., the DMV will hold a special safety hearing for Ahmad Abu-Zayedeha, the driver who had his tickets dismissed after killing 3-year-old Allison Liao while she held her grandmother’s hand in a Flushing crosswalk. Following the hearing, Families for Safe Streets will hold a vigil and demand DMV reform at 6:30 p.m.
- Also Tuesday: DOT and MTA are scheduled to update the Manhattan Community Board 11 transportation committee on the implementation of M60 Select Bus Service on 125th Street. 7 p.m.
- Thursday: Join DOT and Council Member Brad Lander for a community meeting to discuss steps to make streets in Kensington and Windsor Terrace safer, especially along Caton Avenue, where 14-year-old Mohammad Naiem Uddin was killed by a hit-and-run driver in November. 6:30 p.m.
- Also Thursday: DOT is scheduled to present plans for pedestrian safety improvements on Seventh Avenue South to the Manhattan Community Board 2 transportation committee. 6:30 p.m.
- More Thursday: DOT is scheduled to present plans for M60 Select Bus Service on 125th Street and safety improvements on Riverside Drive between 110th and 135th Streets to the Manhattan Community Board 9 transportation committee. 6:30 p.m.
- Sunday: Families for Safe Streets will be on the steps of City Hall, demanding that NYC’s five district attorneys stand up for traffic justice and file charges against deadly drivers. 2 p.m.
Keep an eye on the calendar for updated listings. Got an event we should know about? Drop us a line.