Today’s Headlines

  • De Blasio Signs Bill Creating Fines Up to $10,000 for Hit-and-Run Drivers (News)
  • Police Make Arrest in Union Square Hit-and-Run (AMNY); He Already Has a Record (Times Herald)
  • Gawker: Is a Human Lost to Traffic Violence Worth Less Than a Kicked Cat?
  • SUV Driver Making U-Turn to Nab Parking Spot Mows Down Washington Heights Cyclist (DNA)
  • Komanoff Picks Apart Study Claiming Cab-Sharing Would Reduce Traffic (Capital)
  • Staten Island Drivers Really Want DOT to Shut Off Speed Cam, Won’t Accept Explanations (Advance)
  • Village Voice Rides Along With Gypsy Cab Drivers as They Evade TLC Enforcement
  • St. Albans Affordable Housing Can Build Less Parking Than Required; Neighbors Not Happy (TL)
  • MTA Capital Plan Includes $40 Million for Restoring LIRR Service to Elmhurst (2nd Avenue Sagas)
  • Another Parking Lot Bites the Dust (Bowery Boogie)
  • The Times Got a New Speed Gun and Wants Your Suggestions on Where to Use It

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