Today’s Headlines
- You Don’t Say: Christie Faces SEC Probe After Diverting Port’s ARC Funds to Roads (NYT)
- MTA’s 7 Train Extension and Fulton Transit Center Openings Delayed Again (NYT, WNYC, NY1)
- Cuomo’s Mysterious MTA “Reinvention Commission” Meets Tomorrow for First Time (CapNY)
- More on de Blasio Signing 11 Traffic Safety Bills: News, Crain’s, AP, WCBS, NY1, Newsday
- NYPD Withheld Information From Judge in Case of Ped Killed by Police Driver (Gothamist)
- $1 Surcharge on New MetroCards Resulted in 71 Percent Drop in Number of Cards Sold (Post)
- The City May Be Planting One Million Trees, But What If a Street Tree Dies? (WNYC)
- Transit-Oriented Development Slowly Coming to Long Island (WSJ)
- City Budget Agreement Leaves Rockaway Ferry Subsidy in Limbo (CapNY)
- Bishop Findlayter, de Blasio Friend, Pleads Guilty to Suspended License Violation (News, WSJ)
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