Today’s Headlines

  • NYPD Two-Day Blitz Results in 5,000 Tickets (News); Police Launch Speeding Crackdown Next (WCBS)
  • Open Seats: Long-Time Albany Incumbents Joan Millman and Rhoda Jacobs Retire (Eagle, Bklyn Paper)
  • MetroCard Replacement Could Start Next Year (Post) But Might Take an Extra Year (NYT)
  • National Motorists Association Gives NY Poor Rating for Being Too Tough on Bad Drivers (TU)
  • AAA Cites Nassau’s Red Light Cams As Transparency Model; Wants More Info From NYC (WCBS)
  • Video: 100 MPH Mill Basin Driver Kills Self and Passenger After Running Red (News)
  • DOT Presents Plan to Fix Intersection Where Ella Bandes Was Killed (Courier)
  • TWU Workers Ratify Contract With 82 Percent in Support (WSJ)
  • Hidden Plan for Willets Point Shows Massive Parking Lots for 6,000 Cars (Queens Chron via Curbed)
  • BP Oddo Wants You to Apply to Be on a Staten Island Community Board (Advance)
  • Moving On: MAS Staffer to Direct Land Use at Council (News); TLC Policy Chief Moves to Uber (NYT)

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