Today’s Headlines

  • Vacca Bills Would Require Taxi “Black Boxes” and Photos of Parking Violations (News 1, 2)
  • More on Yesterday’s “Arterial Slow Zones” Announcement: MTRCapNY, Observer, EpochPost
  • Atlantic Ave. Driver Passes School Bus, Hits Crossing Guard, Misses Child; No Charges (BK Eagle)
  • Right of Way Protests Outside Shelly Silver’s Home, Calls for 2,500 Traffic Cams (News, Epoch)
  • Three Months Later, Cy Vance Decides Against Prosecuting 84-Year-Old Alleged Jaywalker (News)
  • 20th Precinct Makes the Case for More Automated Enforcement (DNA)
  • DOT to Alter Signal Timing Where Cooper Stock Was Killed; Cabbie Not Driving “By Choice” (DNA)
  • 19-Year-Old Among Gale Brewer’s CB 4 Appointees (DNA); Melinda Katz Won’t Discuss Process (TL)
  • DOT Will Look at How to Keep Drivers From Crashing Into Cuyler Gore Park (DNA)
  • Temporary Disappearance of Citi Bike Station Causes Panic (BK Heights BlogDNA)
  • Cuomo Rushes to Protect Families From MTA Funding Cuts Subway Ads (2nd Ave Sagas)

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