Today’s Headlines
- Cooper Stock’s Uncle Wants Focus on Deadly Drivers; DOT Floats Turn Ban at 96th and B’way (News)
- Manhattan CBs List 57 Dangerous Places to Cross the Street; Brewer Sends List to City Agencies (News)
- Flushing CB Leadership Hates What the City’s Done to Make Crossing College Point Blvd Safer (TL)
- Prendergast: To Fund Union Pay Raises, Riders Would Shoulder Bigger Fare Increase Next Year (News)
- Thruway’s Madison on TZB: “We Do Not Have a Complete Financing Plan for the Bridge” (TU)
- McDonald Dumps Cold Water on Cuomo’s I-98 Dreams, But Says DOT Will Study It Again (WMHT)
- HSR is Such a Priority for State DOT That It Didn’t Know the Feds Had Released a Study on It (CapNY)
- Imagine if EDC, the Mayor, and Council Devoted as Much Time to BRT as Ferries (2nd Avenue Sagas)
- At Inauguration, Constantinides Calls for Astoria Ferries, Vision Zero, Vernon Blvd SBS (TL)
- Bad Idea: To Prevent Gentrification, Reynoso Wants to Downzone Along JMZ Line (Times Newsweekly)
- Meet East Flatbush’s Dancing Crossing Guard (News 12 via Ditmas Park Corner, Observer)
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