This Week: Community Board Action in Brooklyn and Queens

DOT will make presentations for street improvements in Brooklyn and Queens this week, and Transportation Alternatives will hold a community board sign-up in Staten Island. Here are the calendar highlights — a lot the action is packed into Tuesday:

  • Tuesday: City & State and the Rockefeller Foundation will host the “NYC Transportation of Tomorrow” forum, where policy leaders will examine how to achieve greater transportation equity in New York City. With a keynote address from Pratt Center Policy Director Joan Byron. Free registration required. 8 a.m.
  • Tuesday: DOT will present the final design for the Brooklyn Bridge Gateway Reconstruction Project, which promises to improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists accessing the Brooklyn Bridge, to the Brooklyn CB 2 transportation committee. 6 p.m.
  • Tuesday: DOT will present a proposal to improve safety at the intersection of 48th and Greenpoint Avenues to Queens CB 2. 6:30 p.m.
  • Tuesday: At a meeting of the Brooklyn CB 1 transportation committee, DOT will present plans for a road diet to reduce speeding on Kent Avenue between Williamsburg Street West and Clymer Street. DOT will also provide an update on the Pulaski Bridge bike lane. 6:30 p.m.
  • Thursday: At Transportation Alternatives’ Staten Island Community Board Join-Up, current community board members will share their stories about joining their board and changing New York City’s streets. Representatives from the City Council and the borough president’s office will attend to help with the application process, and a notary public will be on hand to certify applications on the spot. 6:30 p.m.

Keep an eye on the calendar for updated listings. Got an event we should know about? Drop us a line.


This Week: Bay Ridge Parkway Sharrows, Jamaica Bus Lanes

Lots of community board action this week. DOT will be unveiling transit improvements for Port Richmond in Staten Island and safety fixes in Greenpoint, while one community board will get a chance to hear from the NYPD about traffic enforcement and another will take a final vote over the proposed Bay Ridge Parkway bike markings. […]

This Week: Jax Heights Street Safety, Brooklyn Gateway Panel

This week offers opportunities to speak up for safer streets in Jackson Heights, Greenwood Heights and Windsor Terrace, and central Brooklyn. In addition, Saturday’s presentation on the BK Gateway Vision Plan features a panel response from federal, state, and local officials. Here are the details: Tuesday: Join Council Member Daniel Dromm, the Jackson Heights Green Alliance, […]

This Week: Bike-Ped Projects Cram the Calendar Tomorrow

Tuesday is a big day for street safety projects in Brooklyn and Queens, with community board meetings about bike lanes and pedestrian improvements. On Wednesday, Manhattanites will have the opportunity to weigh in at the first of two Vision Zero workshops in the borough. For the full complement of events, check the Streetsblog calendar. Here are the […]

This Week: Lots of Livable Streets Action at Community Boards

This week, there are opportunities to support bike corrals, bike lanes, better bus service, and Safe Routes to Schools at community board meetings in Brooklyn and Queens. Plus: Two City Council committees are set to tackle pedestrian safety issues this week. Here are the highlights. Check the Streetsblog calendar for the full slate of events: Tuesday: The […]

This Week: Bike-Share Outreach in Full Swing

With two community board presentations and six public demonstrations, it’s going to be a busy week for the city’s bike-share roadshow. The presentations are happening at Manhattan CB 5 tonight and Brooklyn CB 9 tomorrow. Check out the official bike-share website to see where to go and find the demos happening near you. The rest […]