Today’s Headlines
- Council Approves Willets Point Plan, Including Massive Parking Lot (Times Ledger, DNA, CapNY)
- Hallets Point Project Also Approved, With City Study of Ferry Service to Transit-Starved Site (Crain’s)
- Council Unanimously Approves Half-Hour Intervals for SI Ferry (News, Advance, 2nd Avenue Sagas)
- In Debate With Lhota (de Blasio Was Absent), Carrión Says East River Tolls Bring “Fairness” (NY1)
- Lhota Says He Would Up City’s MTA Tab; de Blasio: Budget Too Fragile (CapNY, 2nd Ave Sagas)
- Proscecutors Say Off-Duty NYPD Officer Was “Active Participant” in Motor Bike Assault (News)
- Gypsy Cab Driver Arrested for Running Over Officer’s Foot, Dragging Him 75 Feet at JFK (News)
- Off-Duty NYPD Officer Arrested for Drunk Driving After Hit-and-Run on Parkway in Queens (News)
- How Fast Do You Have to Be Going to Flip a Car on Delancey? NYPD Won’t Investigate (Gothamist)
- TWU Local 100 Delays Buses In Retaliation for Crackdown on Rule-Breaking Drivers (News)
- Cab Driver Prefers Watching TV Over Watching His Speed, Puts Portable Set on His Dash (MTR)
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