Finally, Someone Made a Tumblr of NYPD Blocking Bike Lanes

Photo: Cops in Bike Lanes

In the grand tradition of the now-defunct MyBikeLane and UncivilServants, one upstanding citizen, who wishes to remain anonymous, has created the Tumblr every New York City cyclist has dreamed of: Cops in Bike Lanes.

The name really says it all. If you want to add to the collection, which seems to be heavily focused in and around downtown Brooklyn at this early stage, send your photo of a cop in a bike lane to, along with the date and location of the image. The Tumblr is not connected to Streetsblog, but we might team up and run some choice cops-in-bike-lanes photos from time to time.

And by the way, Streetsblog would also be pleased to publish your pictures of parking placard abuse, carrying on the mission of the dearly departed UncivilServants. Send photos that clearly capture the violation in question (sidewalk parking, fake placards, hydrant-blocking), the placard, and the posted parking regulations to


NYPD: Still Blocking Bike Lanes

What strikes me about the Cops in Bike Lanes Tumblr, which we first wrote about last week, is the variety. Cruisers, vans, motorcycles, scooters — regardless of vehicle type, NYPD will leave it in the path of cyclists. Unfortunately, given NYPD’s utter disregard for public safety, there’s no shortage of material. Send your photos and stories […]

How to Stop NYPD From Blocking Bike Lanes

We’re seeing a lot of photos this week of police parked in bike lanes. Fortunately, there is something cyclists can do about it in addition to submitting documentation to Cops in Bike Lanes. Blocking a lane is not merely a sign of disrespect on the the part of NYPD. It’s illegal, and it poses a […]

Will This Year’s “Operation Safe Cycle” Make Anyone Safer?

Yesterday NYPD showed New York that police do actually enforce the speed limit on local streets. Check out the radar guns on Broadway. Today the department is showing the city that cyclists get tickets too. NYPD’s “Operation Safe Cycle” is a two-week enforcement campaign targeting “hazardous violations that create a danger for pedestrians and cyclists.” […]

Eyes on the Street: New Bike Lanes Around Union Square

DOT began installing new bike lanes leading to and around Union Square this week. The project — which will eventually include a two-way protected lane around the park’s eastern and northern edges — is not nearly complete, but fresh paint along Fourth Avenue between 12th and 15th heralds bigger changes on the way. In addition […]

City Hall Announces NYPD Crackdown on Drivers Who Endanger Cyclists

NYPD will crack down this week on motorists who put cyclists at risk. The “Bicycle Safe Passage Initiative,” which coincides with Bike to Work Week, will last through Friday. Officers in precincts citywide will focus enforcement on motorists who commit traffic violations that “endanger bicyclists,” according to a City Hall press release. Traffic enforcement agents will concentrate […]