Friday Jobs Market

Looking to hire a smart, qualified person for a position in transportation planning, engineering, IT, or advocacy? Post a listing on the Streetsblog Jobs Board and reach our national audience of dedicated readers.

Looking for a job? Here are this week’s listings:

Equity Initiative Manager, League of American Bicyclists, Washington, DC
A new staff position, the Equity Initiative Manager will lead the League’s efforts to work with, engage and advance diverse participation and leadership in the bicycle movement, including women, youth and communities of color.

Technical Assistance Director, Safe Routes to School National Partnership
The technical assistance director manages the technical assistance department and has primary responsibility for generating fee for service work and providing technical assistance to share knowledge with advocates, agencies and schools throughout the country, particularly in underserved communities.

Commute Programs Manager, Cascade Bicycle Club, Seattle, WA
The Commute Programs Manager develops, oversees and implements Cascade’s commute programs in partnership with the Policy, Planning and Government Affairs team and other Cascade staff. The Manager will advocate for and mobilize allies to support bicycle-friendly policies and infrastructure related to commuting, with a particular focus on workplace support.