This Week: Speak Up for a Safer Fourth Avenue

In June, Brooklyn Community Board 6 rejected a DOT proposal to calm traffic on deadly Fourth Avenue between Pacific and 15th Streets in Park Slope. The plan resulted from years of community activism, it has the backing of City Council Member Brad Lander and other community boards whose districts encompass Fourth Avenue, and it was overwhelmingly endorsed by CB 6’s own transportation committee. But the full board objected to left turn restrictions and expressed opposition to bike corrals, which were not part of the proposal.

On Wednesday, DOT is scheduled to present a modified plan to CB 6. Rational voices are needed to support a years-long effort to save lives on one of Brooklyn’s most dangerous streets. The hearing will convene at 6:30 p.m. at the 78th Precinct, 65 Sixth Avenue, in the courtroom.

Also on the calendar this week:

  • Monday: The New York League of Conservation Voters Education Fund is hosting a series of forums on sustainability, featuring candidates for various city offices. Monday’s forum will focus on the race for Queens borough president. The forum will cover a range of issues including solid waste, cleaning up contaminated land, air  and water pollution, cycling, and more. 7 p.m. RSVP requested.
  • Tuesday: NYLCV will hear from candidates for City Council District 7, in Manhattan, on post-Sandy rebuilding, sustainable transportation, clean air and water, and waterfront development. 6:30 p.m. RSVP requested.
  • Wednesday: DOT will present a proposal for new Tribeca bike lanes on Church Street, West Broadway, Varick Street and Sixth Avenue to Community Board 1. 6 p.m.
  • Also Wednesday: At a meeting of the Brooklyn CB 7 transportation committee, MTA staff will make a presentation on the projected 14-month closure of the Montague Street tunnel, and its impact on the R and G subway lines. 6:30 p.m.
  • Thursday: NYLCV brings its sustainability forum to City Council District 31, in Queens. 7: 30 p.m. RSVP requested.
  • Saturday: Weekend Walks comes to Grand Street in Williamsburg, hosted by the Grand Street Business Improvement District. 2 to 8 p.m.

Keep an eye on the calendar for updated listings. Got an event we should know about? Drop us a line.


This Week: See the DOT Plan for a Safer Delancey

Following the death of Dashane Santana, the transportation committee of Community Board 3 will hold a special meeting this Wednesday to address conditions on Delancey Street, where drivers are aggressive and crossing times are short. Responding to media coverage and pressure from residents and electeds, DOT is scheduled to present its plan to make Delancey […]

Speak Up for Safer Streets in Brooklyn and the Bronx

This week, there are important DOT workshops concerning major streets in Brooklyn — Fourth Avenue in Bay Ridge and Broadway from Myrtle Avenue to the Williamsburg Bridge. There’s also a community board meeting to reconsider a bike corral the board had already approved. Also this week: In the Bronx, the MTA will hold a hearing […]