In State Budget, Tax Receipts Giveth to MTA, and Cuomo Taketh Away

Earlier this week, there was good news for transit riders: MTA tax receipts came in higher than expected, providing up to $40 million in additional revenue this year. While the MTA isn’t scheduled to update its budget until summer, there is already talk of using the money to restore cuts or expand service.

That $40 million in extra revenue for the MTA? Cuomo took half of it away. Photo: ##'s Office##

But the additional tax revenue is a happy accident. State policy didn’t change; the MTA simply reaped the benefits of an improving economy. In fact, Andrew Cuomo is still using the MTA as a piggy bank: the state budget now headed to his desk also includes a sneaky $20 million transit raid courtesy of the governor himself, which hasn’t made as many headlines.

The raid, first uncovered by the Tri-State Transportation Campaign, works like this: The governor’s executive budget declared $20 million of MTA operating funds “surplus” without explanation, then used it to cover holes in the state budget that would have otherwise been filled by the state’s general fund.

At a joint budget hearing in January, Assembly Member James Brennan asked MTA interim executive director Tom Prendergast how this happened. “I don’t know,” Prendergast replied.

Despite Brennan’s questioning, neither the Senate nor Assembly fought to have the raid removed from the budget. As a result, it’s survived and now awaits the signature of the man who proposed it.

Although the budget raid takes away “only” half of what the extra tax receipts provide, that’s still $20 million that won’t be available to restore service or fix up decrepit stations. For comparison, major service cuts in 2010 saved the agency $93 million.

The significance of the raid also goes beyond the dollar amounts in this year’s budget. Budget raids in the recent past were far larger, taking hundreds of millions of dollars in 2009, 2010 and 2011. This year’s budget shows that Cuomo, who gutted the transit lockbox bill, still wants the ability to quietly rob straphangers at his disposal.


No matter how bad the service gets, transit riders will always have these USB ports.

Cuomo Breaks Another Promise to Transit Riders

Five years ago, Cuomo promised to allocate $320 million annually to the MTA to make up for cutting one of the agency's dedicated revenue streams. At the time, advocates warned that Cuomo wouldn't keep his promise for long. They were right: This year the governor's draft budget calls for a $65 million cut to MTA funding.

Governor Cuomo Calls for Annual Transit Raids Until 2031

Transit advocates are sounding the alarm as Governor Cuomo again tries to quietly raid dedicated transit funds and back away from the state’s promises to the MTA so he can plug Albany’s budget holes. Most years since 2009, the state has yanked funds from dedicated transit taxes to fund other parts of its budget. The pattern continues […]

No, the MTA Can’t Afford Cuomo’s Transit Raids

I think most transit riders would laugh — cynically — at the idea that the MTA has more than enough funds to meet its needs. But this is exactly what the MTA’s chairman Tom Prendergast said when he learned that the state would be diverting $30 million from the MTA’s funding stream to balance the […]