Today’s Headlines
- Margaret King, 81, Killed in Staten Island; Motorist Ticketed for Failure to Yield (Advance)
- Judge: NYPD “Needlessly Delayed” Giving Lefevre Crash Documents to Family (Times, Gothamist)
- Times Editorial on Traffic Fatality Spike: We Need Speed Cams, Street Redesigns, Enforcement
- AAA: NYC Stop Lights With Red Light Cameras Have Shorter Yellows; Vacca “Troubled” (Post)
- NYPD on Bikes: We’re Targeting Delivery Riders and Issuing Fewer Red Light Tickets (TransNat)
- City Wanted Money for Cruiser Damage From Mother of Man Run Over, Killed by NYPD in Chase (News)
- Toll Cheats Have Cost Thruway $35 Million Since 2007 (Democrat & Chronicle)
- Video: Driver Backs Onto W’burg Sidewalk, Seriously Injuring Grandmother and Two Kids (News, NY1)
- After Hit-and-Run Death of Terence Connor, Neighbors Want Fixes to Metropolitan Ave (Bklyn Paper)
- Columnist: “Bereavement” for Car in the Shop for a Day; “I Had a Terrible Feeling of Loss” (Advance)
- If Guy Molinari Can’t Have a Mega-Project, No One Can: “Nobody Is Talking About Traffic” (Post)
More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill.
We will be publishing lightly today and back on our regular schedule tomorrow. Happy Columbus Day.