Today’s Headlines

  • Christine Quinn Takes a Position on NYPD Budget Cuts (WNYC, Post)
  • Former Detective Kevin Spellman on Trial for 2009 Killing of Bronx Pedestrian Drane Nikac (Post, News)
  • NYPD and the DMV Are Attaching Drivers License Points to Cycling Tickets (Gothamist)
  • Uptown 6 Riders Can Now Switch Trains at Bleecker Street (NYT)
  • Traffic Congestion Is Stifling City Bus Ridership (DNA)
  • Four Months After Spike, NYPD Transit Bureau Says Subway Felonies Are Down (Post, News)
  • Two MTA Bus Drivers Were Assaulted in Brooklyn Yesterday (Post)
  • Silver, Chin and Squadron Say LES Greyhound Stop Will Pose Traffic Danger (DNA)
  • Truckers Keep Crashing Into Overpasses, and Chuck Schumer Wants GPS Legislation (WSJ)
  • Ben Kabak Questions the Relevancy of “If You See Something, Say Something”
  • Justice Is Swift When the Hit-and-Run Victim Is a Bike Cop: Streetsblog SF
  • Can You Top Cap’n Transit’s Entry in the Cuomo Caption Contest?

More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill