Today’s Headlines
- MTA Warns of Devastating Service Cuts If Payroll Mobility Tax Dies (Post, CapNY)
- Bloomberg Sarcastically Suggests Congestion Pricing as Alternative (CapNY)
- Lhota to County Execs: Suburban Commuters Get Biggest Subsidy of All (TransNat)
- Court’s Decision Is Boost for Suburban GOP Legislators (CapTon)
- Victim of Financial District Security Overkill ID’d as Sorel Depas-Medina (News, Post)
- Daily News Bike Demonization Continues; Central Park Mulls Separation from Pedestrians
- Moped Rider Allegedly Struck By NYPD in Clinton Hill; Hospitalized With Head Trauma (Gothamist)
- 34th Street Crosstown Bus Trips 10 Percent Faster? DNAinfo Is Not Impressed
- SBS on Hylan Boulevard Starts September 2; Riders Will Get Additional Free Transfer (SI Advance)
- Work Will Resume Monday After Second Avenue Subway Explosion (SAS, WSJ, NY1)
- Bloomberg Bets Future of Boro Taxi Plan on Courts, Not Legislature (Post)
More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill