Today’s Headlines
- Tappan Zee Tolls to Rise to $14 Range, Nearly Tripling Current Rates (LoHud)
- Tri-State Responds to Cuomo Mealymouthing on Tappan Zee Transit (MTR)
- Schumer Vows to Reinstate Transit Commuter Tax Benefit, Again (Capital)
- Watch This NY1 Story to the End for Reality-Based MTA Commentary From Reporter Tina Redwine
- MTA: Trucking Company Will Pay for Damage to Grand Central Terminal (DNA)
- NYPD: Officers Hurt in Astoria Crash Slammed Into Parked Cars to Avoid “Darting” Child (Q Gazette)
- School Bus and Van Collide on Bruckner Expressway, Injuring 29 (DNA)
- London Cyclist Killed by Olympics Bus, Driver Arrested for Suspicion of Dangerous Driving (Telegraph)
- Cap’n Transit Looks to the Past for Cues to Make Streets Safer
- Hungry Bear, Meet the Texas Texter (KSLA)
- Damn Bike Lanes (Bklyn Daily)
More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill