Bronx Pedestrian Struck in Tremont Neighborhood This Morning

A pedestrian was struck at East Tremont Avenue and Third Avenue in the Bronx earlier today.

At 8:48 a.m., @NYScanner reported that two people were hit by a truck and that FDNY was on the scene, with EMS requested and the NYPD Highway Division notified. According to FDNY, one person was struck and was taken to St. Barnabas Hospital with an arm injury. FDNY said the driver of the truck remained at the scene.

An NYPD spokesperson said there was “no injury,” but one person was transported to St. Barnabas for observation.

The intersection of East Tremont and Third has a relatively high incidence of pedestrian and cyclist injuries. Between 1995 and 2009, 33 people were hurt crossing the intersection on foot, and 10 cyclists were injured there during the same time span, according to Transportation Alternatives’ CrashStat.

If you have any information on this morning’s crash, send us an e-mail or leave a comment.


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