Timothy Keith Killed by Cab Driver in Brooklyn, No Charges Filed

Timothy Keith

Timothy Keith, the 5-year-old boy who was hit by a cab driver in Brooklyn earlier this month, died days later from his injuries.

Timothy was walking with his parents on Hicks Street in Cobble Hill on the afternoon of April 14 when, according to NYPD, he ran into the street and was struck by a cab driver.

The driver told police he “couldn’t stop in time.” He was not charged.

It was reported on April 16 that Timothy was brain dead. He died the next day, according to a web site set up to accept donations to help the Keiths pay for funeral and travel expenses.

Timothy and his parents were in from DC, on their first family trip to the city.

This fatal crash occurred in the 76th Precinct. To voice your concerns about neighborhood traffic safety directly to Captain Jeffrey Schiff, the commanding officer, head to the next precinct community council meeting. The 76th Precinct council meetings happen at at 7:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month at the precinct, 191 Union Street. Call 718-834-3207 for information.


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