Today’s Headlines

  • MTA Makes Five-Year Contract Offer to TWU (NY1)
  • TWU Wants Wage Increases Pegged to Inflation, Hints at Slowdowns (WSJ)
  • 57% of NYers Oppose Cuomo’s Controversial Plan for Aqueduct Convention Center (NYT)
  • Queens Convention Center Plan Brings Greenway-vs.-Railway Debate to the Forefront (QChron)
  • DOT Seeking Speed Cam Legislation to Help Bring Down Traffic Deaths in Queens (TimesLedger)
  • Schumer Throwing His Weight Behind Albany-Buffalo HSR (AP)
  • How About an At-Grade Crosswalk Instead of a Ped Bridge With Fencing Over Navy Street? (Bklyn Paper)
  • Lew Fidler Likely Leaving City Council for Green Pastures of Kruger’s State Senate Seat (News)
  • Questions to Ask the Next Time You Hear Someone Suggest Licensing Cyclists (Bklyn Spoke)

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