How to Make Your Own Free Parking Near the Atlantic Yards Site

Via Norman Oder at Atlantic Yards Report, here’s a variety of parking scofflaw that we’ve never come across before on Streetsblog.

In the video, an early morning car commuter, presumably someone working on the nearby Barclays Center arena project, apparently decides that the last parking space on this block of Pacific Street (between Sixth Avenue and Carlton Avenue) is too small to accommodate his SUV, so he makes his own free parking by uprooting a No Standing sign. Oder says the vandalism and flouting of parking regs is symptomatic of the un-monitored violations around the Atlantic Yards construction zone, including trucks double-parking and idling.

This isn’t the first time that Atlantic Yards workers have torn out this particular No Standing sign, thereby adding about four or five illegal on-street spaces, according to Atlantic Yards Watch. In fact, the maker of this video predicted that the sign “would be destroyed within one day of installation again,” and he was right.

And you thought placards were the ultimate in free parking entitlement.


1,100 Space Parking Lot at Issue in Latest Atlantic Yards Fight

The latest round of the knock-down drag-out fight over the Atlantic Yards project is underway, and it’s all about parking. At issue is a potential 1,100-space surface parking lot that would be located between Pacific and Dean Streets, just west of Vanderbilt Avenue. That lot has been portrayed as temporary, “interim” parking by the Empire […]

Atlantic Yards Traffic and Parking

Continuing to ask the questions that don’t seem to occur to his salaried colleagues in the local media, Atlantic Yards Report’s Norman Oder has recently been digging in to the critical issues of traffic and parking around Forest City Ratner’s massive urban renewal plan for Prospect Heights, Brooklyn. Yesterday, Oder questioned the Empire State Development Corporation’s […]

A Parking Lot Grows in Brooklyn

Norman "the Human Tape Rec’oder" Oder , the hardest working advocacy journalist in New York City, has really been digging in to the important but not-particularly-sexy issue of parking policy at Forest City Enterprise’s proposed "Atlantic Yards" development in Brooklyn. In July when the project’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) was issued it included a plan to […]

Atlantic Yards Could Become Much Less Car-Centric

Off-street parking for the Atlantic Yards project, which sits near one of the world’s great confluences of transit lines, was once projected to include space for as many as 3,670 cars. Now the number of parking spots could get chopped down to 2,876 or, in one scenario, a significantly less car-centric 1,200, according to a […]

Bad News: Forest City Breaks Bike Parking Vow; Good News: Less Car Parking

When Brooklyn’s Barclays Center opens with a Jay-Z concert this September, it will be one of the most transit-accessible arenas in the United States. But as Streetsblog has noted before, the transportation planning for the stadium is excessively car-oriented. Developer Forest City Ratner had been planning to build an 1,100-space surface parking lot, marring the pedestrian […]