Today’s Headlines

  • Region’s Toll Roads See Traffic Decline Due to Unemployment, High Gas Prices (WSJ)
  • If Only the Daily News Paid This Much Attention to Dangerous Locations for Car Traffic
  • Central Park Cyclist Sues Pedestrian After Crash, Post Caption Calls Biking Child “Ride-Zilla”
  • No Transit on Tappan Zee Means More Pollution, More Congestion, Says Riverkeeper (LoHud)
  • Assm. Ellen Jaffee Repeats Cuomo Admin Line, Claims Transit-Free Tappan Zee Helps Transit (LoHud)
  • Mark-Viverito, CB 11 Chair Believe Board Will Support East Harlem Bike Lanes Again (Transpo Nation)
  • Residential Parking Permit Fight Creates Strange Bedfellows in Brooklyn (City Hall)
  • Federal Judge Presses City on Wheelchair Accessible Taxis, Ruling Due By Christmas (Transpo Nation)
  • The Times Op-Ed Page Takes On Suburban Sprawl at Home and at Work (NYT 1, 2)
  • Was Losing the Olympics the Best Possible Outcome For New York? (NYT)
  • Hope Cohen: It’s Time For a Brand-New Zoning Code (News)
  • How the 34th Street BID Gave SBS a Graphic Design Upgrade (Bryant Park Blog)

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