Today’s Headlines

  • With State Finances Deteriorating, New York Needs to Lock Down Transit Funds (MTR)
  • Two Cops Crash Into Each Other, Wreck East New York Laundromat (Post)
  • Connecting Manhattan to Gov’s Island With Landfill Might Not Be So Far-Fetched (NYT)
  • Dust Complaints Interrupt Second Ave Subway Blasting (News, NYT)
  • Is the New Prospect Park Bike Chute Making Anyone Safer? (Brooklyn Spoke)
  • Photos: Minivan Driver Rammed Into Ditmas Park Playground This Weekend (Ditmas Park Blog)
  • A Glimpse of the Transit-Oriented, Pre-Tappan Zee Hudson River Communities (Cap’n Transit)
  • German Transit Gained Riders Without Adding Track (NYT)
  • Shelly Bike Crash, Day 12: Knee Surgery (DNAinfo)
  • Only One Way for J Lo to Make Amends: Shoot a Trek Ad on Blackrock Ave (Smoking Gun)

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