Flatbed Truck Driver Hit and Killed Cyclist in East Williamsburg Last Night

The intersection of Morgan Avenue and Meserole Street, where a truck driver hit and killed a cyclist last night. Image: ##http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Meserole+St,+Brooklyn,+NY+11237&hl=en&ll=40.70961,-73.933129&spn=0.008702,0.019076&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=37.188995,78.134766&vpsrc=6&hnear=Meserole+St,+Brooklyn,+Kings,+New+York+11237&t=m&z=16&layer=c&cbll=40.70961,-73.933129&panoid=ynNFYrGuEwdMwtmSSpOy2w&cbp=12,179.62,,0,8.96##Google Street View.##

A flatbed truck driver struck and killed a cyclist in East Williamsburg shortly after midnight last night.

As first reported by Gothamist, the 30-year-old male victim was riding to the right of the truck while traveling southbound along Morgan Avenue, according to NYPD. The driver turned right at Meserole Street, striking the cyclist, who was dead by the time an ambulance arrived three minutes later.

Police say the driver did not stay at the scene, but the truck was found legally parked one block away. An NYPD spokesperson said the department might pursue charges but would not do so until the driver is located.

Two months ago, Erica Abbott, a professional dancer, was killed in a traffic crash while riding her bike on Bushwick Avenue a few blocks away. Last year, a garbage truck driver hit and killed a cyclist while turning from Varick Street onto Meserole.


Bypassing Courts, NYPD Says Video Cleared Lefevre Hit-and-Run Driver

Court documents reveal that NYPD decided not to charge the hit-and-run driver who struck and killed Brooklyn cyclist Mathieu Lefevre based on video of the crash. While it’s not clear how video footage can prove that the driver didn’t know he had hit Lefevre, it was apparently sufficient evidence for the department’s Accident Investigation Squad. […]