Today’s Headlines
- Tonight: Obama Jobs Speech Heavy on The Infrastructure (Politico, WaPo)
- Citing Deficient Bridges and Job Security, Schumer Calls for Transpo Bill Extension (Scribd)
- Tom Vanderbilt: Drivers Who Begrudge Sadik-Khan Don’t Know What’s Good for Them (Observer)
- Commendable Coverage of East Harlem Bike Lanes From DNAinfo
- Lower Manhattan Streets, Pedestrian Bridges to Be Closed for 9/11 Anniversary (Post)
- Man Sentenced to 2 to 10 Years for Hit-and-Run Death of Staten Island Motorist (NY1)
- City Drivers Wish Other City Drivers Didn’t Drive; Or: To the “New York” Post, All Commuters Are Motorists
- Toronto’s Pedestrian Scramble Latest Target of Motorhead Mayor Rob Ford (Globe and Mail)
- EDF Economist Gernot Wagner: Riding a Bike Is a Noble Gesture. Also Futile. (NYT)
- Fashion Center Launches City’s First Bike-Share (DNAinfo, WNYC)
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